(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
bindtextdomain — Sets or gets the path for a domain
, ?string $directory
): string|falseThe bindtextdomain() function sets or gets the path for a domain.
The domain.
The directory path.
An empty string means the current directory.
If null
, the currently set directory is returned.
The full pathname for the domain
currently being set,
或者在失敗時返回 false
版本 | 說明 |
8.0.3 |
directory is nullable now.
Previously, it was not possible to retrieve the currently set directory.
示例 #1 bindtextdomain() example
$domain = 'myapp';
echo bindtextdomain($domain, '/usr/share/myapp/locale');
The bindtextdomain() information is maintained per process, not per thread.