= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)gmp_setbit — Set bit說明gmp_setbit(GMP $num, int $index, bool $value = true): voidSets bit index in num. ">
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
gmp_setbit — Set bit
The value to modify.
GMP 對象或 int ,或數(shù)字string。
The index of the bit to set. Index 0 represents the least significant bit.
True to set the bit (set it to 1/on); false to clear the bit (set it to 0/off).
GMP 對象。
示例 #1 gmp_setbit() example - 0 index
$a = gmp_init("2"); //
echo gmp_strval($a), ' -> 0b', gmp_strval($a, 2), "\n";
gmp_setbit($a, 0); // 0b10 now becomes 0b11
echo gmp_strval($a), ' -> 0b', gmp_strval($a, 2), "\n";
2 -> 0b10 3 -> 0b11
示例 #2 gmp_setbit() example - 1 index
$a = gmp_init("0xfd");
echo gmp_strval($a), ' -> 0b', gmp_strval($a, 2), "\n";
gmp_setbit($a, 1); // index starts at 0
echo gmp_strval($a), ' -> 0b', gmp_strval($a, 2), "\n";
253 -> 0b11111101 255 -> 0b11111111
示例 #3 gmp_setbit() example - clearing a bit
$a = gmp_init("0xff");
echo gmp_strval($a), ' -> 0b', gmp_strval($a, 2), "\n";
gmp_setbit($a, 0, false); // clear bit at index 0
echo gmp_strval($a), ' -> 0b', gmp_strval($a, 2), "\n";
255 -> 0b11111111 254 -> 0b11111110
Unlike most of the other GMP functions, gmp_setbit() must be called with a GMP object that already exists (using gmp_init() for example). One will not be automatically created.