PHP 8.0 廢棄的功能

PHP 核心中廢棄的功能

  • 如果帶有默認值的參數(shù)后面跟著一個必要的參數(shù),那么默認值就會無效。這在 PHP 8.0.0 中已被廢棄,通??梢酝ㄟ^刪除默認值,不影響現(xiàn)有功能:

    function test($a = [], $b) {} // 之前
    function test($a$b) {}      // 之后

    這條規(guī)則的一個例外是 Type $param = null 形式的參數(shù),其中 null 的默認值使得類型隱式為空。這種用法仍然是允許的,但仍建議使用顯式可空類型。

    function test(A $a null$b) {} // 舊寫法,仍可用
    function test(?A $a$b) {}       // 推薦寫法

  • 參數(shù) exclude_disabled 不能設(shè)置為 false 來調(diào)用 get_defined_functions(),該參數(shù)已被廢棄,不再起作用。 get_defined_functions() 絕不會再包含禁用的函數(shù)。



libxml_disable_entity_loader() has been deprecated. As libxml 2.9.0 is now required, external entity loading is guaranteed to be disabled by default, and this function is no longer needed to protect against XXE attacks, unless the (still vulnerable). LIBXML_NOENT is used. In that case, it is recommended to refactor the code using libxml_set_external_entity_loader() to suppress loading of external entities.


Standard Library

  • Sort comparison functions that return true or false will now throw a deprecation warning, and should be replaced with an implementation that returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero.

    // Replace
    usort($arrayfn($a$b) => $a $b);
    // With
    usort($arrayfn($a$b) => $a <=> $b);


  • Using an empty file as ZipArchive is deprecated. Libzip 1.6.0 does not accept empty files as valid zip archives any longer. The existing workaround will be removed in the next version.

  • The procedural API of Zip is deprecated. Use ZipArchive instead. Iteration over all entries can be accomplished using ZipArchive::statIndex() and a for loop:

    // iterate using the procedural API
    while (
    $entry zip_read($zip)) {

    // iterate using the object-oriented API
    assert($zip instanceof ZipArchive);
    for (
    $i 0$entry $zip->statIndex($i); $i++) {
