(PHP 8)
PhpToken::tokenize — Splits given source into PHP tokens, represented by PhpToken objects.
, int $flags
= 0): array
Returns an array of PhpToken objects representing given code
The PHP source to parse.
Valid flags:
- Recognises the ability to use
reserved words in specific contexts.
An array of PHP tokens represented by instances of PhpToken or its descendants. This method returns static[] so that PhpToken can be seamlessly extended.
示例 #1 PhpToken::tokenize() example
$tokens = PhpToken::tokenize('<?php echo; ?>');
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
echo "Line {$token->line}: {$token->getTokenName()} ('{$token->text}')", PHP_EOL;
Line 1: T_OPEN_TAG ('<?php ') Line 1: T_ECHO ('echo') Line 1: ; (';') Line 1: T_WHITESPACE (' ') Line 1: T_CLOSE_TAG ('?>')
示例 #2 Extending PhpToken
class MyPhpToken extends PhpToken {
public function getUpperText() {
return strtoupper($this->text);
$tokens = MyPhpToken::tokenize('<?php echo; ?>');
echo "'{$tokens[0]->getUpperText()}'";
'<?PHP '