
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

SQLite3Stmt::bindValueBinds the value of a parameter to a statement variable


public SQLite3Stmt::bindValue(string|int $param, mixed $value, int $type = SQLITE3_TEXT): bool

Binds the value of a parameter to a statement variable.


Before PHP 7.2.14 and 7.3.0, respectively, once the statement has been executed, SQLite3Stmt::reset() needs to be called to be able to change the value of bound parameters.



Either a string (for named parameters) or an int (for positional parameters) identifying the statement variable to which the value should be bound. If a named parameter does not start with a colon (:) or an at sign (@), a colon (:) is automatically preprended. Positional parameters start with 1.


The value to bind to a statement variable.


The data type of the value to bind.

  • SQLITE3_INTEGER: The value is a signed integer, stored in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 bytes depending on the magnitude of the value.

  • SQLITE3_FLOAT: The value is a floating point value, stored as an 8-byte IEEE floating point number.

  • SQLITE3_TEXT: The value is a text string, stored using the database encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16BE or UTF-16-LE).

  • SQLITE3_BLOB: The value is a blob of data, stored exactly as it was input.

  • SQLITE3_NULL: The value is a NULL value.

As of PHP 7.0.7, if type is omitted, it is automatically detected from the type of the value: bool and int are treated as SQLITE3_INTEGER, float as SQLITE3_FLOAT, null as SQLITE3_NULL and all others as SQLITE3_TEXT. Formerly, if type has been omitted, it has defaulted to SQLITE3_TEXT.


If value is null, it is always treated as SQLITE3_NULL, regardless of the given type.


Returns true if the value is bound to the statement variable, 或者在失敗時返回 false.


版本 說明
7.4.0 param now also supports the @param notation.


示例 #1 SQLite3Stmt::bindValue() example

= new SQLite3(':memory:');

$db->exec('CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER, bar STRING)');
$db->exec("INSERT INTO foo (id, bar) VALUES (1, 'This is a test')");

$stmt $db->prepare('SELECT bar FROM foo WHERE id=:id');

$result $stmt->execute();


array(1) {
  string(14) "This is a test"
