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美音: [sa?t] 英音: [sa?t]



名詞景象; 看見; 視力; 視野

及物動(dòng)詞瞄準(zhǔn); 看見,發(fā)現(xiàn); 觀察; 調(diào)準(zhǔn)瞄準(zhǔn)器

不及物動(dòng)詞(用儀器)瞄準(zhǔn); 觀察


1. out of sight : 在看不見的地方, 極度;

2. in sight : 被看到, 看得見;

3. lose sight of : 忽略;

4. make a sight of oneself : 出洋相;

5. put out of sight : 把...藏起來(lái);

6. at first sight : 乍一看;

7. not by a long sight : 根本不;



1. They voyaged for a month before they sighted land.


1. It cost him a sight of money.

2. Take a careful sight before firing.

3. He is a saint in her sight.

4. sight的反義詞

4. Victory is in sight.


1. 視力:眼科醫(yī)生常把眼睛比喻成照相機(jī),要守護(hù)(Protection)視力(Sight),最好的方法(Approach)便是常常遠(yuǎn)--近地調(diào)治眼睛,讓睫狀肌不斷(Constantly)地舒張,避免總處在一個(gè)緊張的狀態(tài),而一直盯著電腦屏幕,無(wú)論什么顏色,并不能緩解睫狀肌緊張的狀態(tài).

2. 視覺:根據(jù)美國(guó)自閉癥數(shù)據(jù)顯示,多數(shù)自閉兒有感官神精不正常的反應(yīng),這個(gè)反應(yīng)會(huì)發(fā)生在視覺(sight)、聽覺(hearing)、觸覺(touch)、疼痛(pain)、平衡感(balance)、嗅覺(smell)、味覺(taste)和孩子身體對(duì)周遭環(huán)境和接觸他的人所引起的感官刺激.8.

3. 風(fēng)景:1.到了Thera島后,先往左走,此時(shí)蘇菲亞便問(wèn)瓊斯要到那里,回答她說(shuō)要去看風(fēng)景(sight),然后到山谷(notch、cleft或gap之一)查看,在車子旁邊拿到輪胎修補(bǔ)器(tirerepairkit).


1. 視力;視覺
Someone's sight is their ability to see.

e.g. My sight is failing, and I can't see to read any more...
e.g. I use the sense of sound much more than the sense of sight.

2. 看見;目睹
The sight of something is the act of seeing it or an occasion on which you see it.

e.g. I faint at the sight of blood...
e.g. The sight of him entering a room could flood her with desire.

3. 看見的事物;景象;情景
A sight is something that you see.

e.g. The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common sight in many parts of the city...
e.g. We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home...

4. (突然或剎那間)看見,發(fā)現(xiàn)
If you sight someone or something, you suddenly see them, often briefly.

e.g. The security forces sighted a group of young men that had crossed the border...
e.g. A fleet of French ships was sighted in the North Sea.

5. (武器等的)準(zhǔn)星,瞄準(zhǔn)器
The sights of a weapon such as a rifle are the part which helps you aim it more accurately.

6. 風(fēng)景;名勝
The sights are the places that are interesting to see and that are often visited by tourists.

e.g. We'd toured the sights of Paris...
e.g. I am going to show you the sights of our wonderful city...

7. 很;非常
You can use a sight to mean a lot. For example, if you say that something is a sight worse than it was before, you are emphasizing that it is much worse than it was.

e.g. She's been no more difficult than most daughters and a sight better than some I could mention...
e.g. We weren't doing anything different to what we've always done. We're just doing it a damn sight quicker.

8. see also: sighted;sighting

9. (突然或剎那間)看見,發(fā)現(xiàn)
If you catch sight of someone, you suddenly see them, often briefly.

e.g. Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd...
e.g. Every time I catch sight of myself in the mirror, I feel so disappointed.

10. 乍一看;一見之下;初看時(shí)
If you say that something seems to have certain characteristics at first sight, you mean that it appears to have the features you describe when you first see it but later it is found to be different.


e.g. It promised to be a more difficult undertaking than might appear at first sight...
e.g. At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.

11. 看得見/看不見
If something is in sight or within sight, you can see it. If it is out of sight, you cannot see it.

e.g. The sandy beach was in sight...
e.g. The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel...

12. 在望;在即;臨近;即將產(chǎn)生
If a result or a decision is in sight or within sight, it is likely to happen within a short time.

e.g. An agreement on many aspects of trade policy was in sight...
e.g. There is no end in sight to the struggle for power...

13. 忽略;忽視;遺忘
If you lose sight of an important aspect of something, you no longer pay attention to it because you are worrying about less important things.


e.g. In some cases, US industry has lost sight of customer needs in designing products...
e.g. We shouldn't lose sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake.

14. 與…只是面熟(并不熟識(shí))
If you know someone by sight, you can recognize them when you see them, although you have never met them and talked to them.

e.g. I knew him by sight but had never spoken with him.

15. 眼不見,心不煩
If you say 'out of sight, out of mind', you mean that people quickly forget someone if he or she goes away.


e.g. The problems of the poor are largely invisible—out of sight, out of mind.

16. 一見…馬上就
If someone is ordered to do something on sight, they have to do it without delay, as soon as a person or thing is seen.


e.g. Troops shot anyone suspicious on sight...
e.g. Magee was set free but British authorities were asked to arrest him on sight.

17. 不好看;不雅觀;有礙觀瞻
If you say that someone or something is not a pretty sight, you mean that it is not pleasant to look at.

e.g. The bathroom is not a pretty sight. The wallpaper's peeling, the tiles are crumbling.

18. 以…為奮斗目標(biāo);志在必得;決心做到
If you set your sights on something, you decide that you want it and try hard to get it.

e.g. They have set their sights on the world record...
e.g. Although she came from a family of bankers, Franklin set her sights on a career in scientific research.

19. 在未見實(shí)物的情況下;事先未經(jīng)檢查
If you agree to buy something sight unseen, you agree to buy it, even though you have not seen it and do not know what condition it is in.


e.g. Although people sometimes buy property sight unseen, it's a remarkably bad idea.

20. love at first sight -> see love



1. the act of looking or seeing or observing

e.g. he tried to get a better view of it
his survey of the battlefield was limited

Synonym: viewsurvey

2. the range of vision

e.g. out of sight of land

Synonym: ken

3. the ability to see
the visual faculty

Synonym: visionvisual sensevisual modality

4. an instance of visual perception

e.g. the sight of his wife brought him back to reality
the train was an unexpected sight

5. a range of mental vision

e.g. in his sight she could do no wrong

6. anything that is seen

e.g. he was a familiar sight on the television
they went to Paris to see the sights

7. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

e.g. a batch of letters
a deal of trouble
a lot of money
he made a mint on the stock market
see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
it must have cost plenty
a slew of journalists
a wad of money

Synonym: batchdealflockgood dealgreat dealhatfulheaplotmassmessmicklemintmountainmucklepasselpeckpileplentypotquite a littleraftslewspatestacktidy sumwad


1. catch sight of
to perceive with the eyes

e.g. he caught sight of the king's men coming over the ridge

Synonym: spy

2. take aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)

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