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美音: [t?:k] 英音: [t?k]



動(dòng)詞說(shuō)話; 討論; 講,說(shuō); 說(shuō)閑話

名詞交談; 討論; 報(bào)告; 空話



1. talk back : 頂嘴, 反駁, 回嘴;

2. talk out : 把...談透, 通過(guò)商談消除分歧, 響亮地說(shuō);

3. talk with : 與...交談, 想說(shuō)服;

4. talk down : 說(shuō)服, 指示;

5. talk to : 責(zé)備;

6. talk over : 商量, 討論;

7. talk big : 吹牛;

8. talk away : 不斷地談, 在談話中度過(guò);

9. talk up : 大聲講, 大膽講, 贊揚(yáng);

10. make talk : 閑談, 引起議論;




1. talk

1. Don't talk nonsense.


1. Don't talk so loud.

2. He didn't care how people talked.

3. talk什么意思

3. People will talk.


1. talk在線翻譯

1. The leaders of the two countries will meet for talks on questions of common interest.

2. His strange behavior is the talk of the town.



A:I’ll talk to your (father/ mother/ teacher) about it.

B:O.K. Thanks.


A:I’d like to sign up for (this class/ summer courses/ accounting).


B:You should talk to the registrar.

Talk straight from the shoulder.-(直言不諱)

A:What do you think of my work?


A:Please talk straight from the shoulder.


B:It’s not very satisfactory, you should be more careful.


1. 交談:在和<>(talk)雜志(現(xiàn)已不再出版)的保守派記者塔克.卡爾森的對(duì)話中,據(jù)卡爾森說(shuō),布什曾經(jīng)模仿卡拉.法耶.塔克在有線新聞電視網(wǎng)(cnn)中接受拉里.金的采訪時(shí)好像在祈求赦免的樣子.


1. 講話;說(shuō)話
When you talk, you use spoken language to express your thoughts, ideas, or feelings.

e.g. He was too distressed to talk...
e.g. A teacher reprimanded a girl for talking in class...

2. 交談;談話
If you talk to someone, you have a conversation with them. You can also say that two people talk .

e.g. We talked and laughed a great deal...
e.g. I talked to him yesterday...

3. 談心,傾訴,訴說(shuō)心事
If you talk to someone, you tell them about the things that are worrying you. You can also say that two people talk .

e.g. Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counselor...
你第一步應(yīng)該是去找老師或?qū)W校輔導(dǎo)員談?wù)劇?br/>e.g. There's no one she can talk to, and she's on the verge of collapse...

4. 發(fā)表談話;發(fā)表觀點(diǎn)
If you talk on or about something, you make an informal speech telling people what you know or think about it.

e.g. She will talk on the issues she cares passionately about including education and nursery care...
e.g. He intends to talk to young people about the dangers of AIDS.
他打算和青年人談?wù)劙滩〉奈:Α?/p>There are some differences in the way the verbs speak and talk are used. When you speak, you could, for example, be addressing someone or making a speech. Talk is more likely to be used when you are referring to a conversation or discussion. I talked about it with my family at dinner... Sometimes we'd talk all night. Talk can also be used to emphasize the activity of saying things, rather than the words that are spoken. She thought I talked too much. See also note at discuss.
speak 和 talk 兩個(gè)動(dòng)詞的用法有些不同。speak 可以表示對(duì)人講話或發(fā)表演講,而 talk 更有可能表示談話或討論:I talked about it with my family at dinner (吃晚飯時(shí),我和家人討論了這件事),Sometimes we'd talk all night (有時(shí)我們能談上一宿)。talk 也可以用來(lái)強(qiáng)調(diào)說(shuō)話的行為,而非所說(shuō)的話,例如:She thought I talked too much (她嫌我話太多)。參見(jiàn) discuss 詞條下的說(shuō)明。

5. (通常指國(guó)家、勞資間為達(dá)成某種協(xié)定的)談判,商談
Talks are formal discussions intended to produce an agreement, usually between different countries or between employers and employees.

e.g. ...the next round of Middle East peace talks...
e.g. Talks between striking railway workers and the Polish government have broken down...

6. 磋商;討論
If one group of people talks to another, or if two groups talk, they have formal discussions in order to do a deal or produce an agreement.

e.g. We're talking to some people about opening an office in London...
e.g. The company talked with many potential investors...

7. 會(huì)談;對(duì)話;談判
When different countries or different sides in a dispute talk, or talk to each other, they discuss their differences in order to try and settle the dispute.


e.g. The Foreign Minister said he was ready to talk to any country that had no hostile intentions...
e.g. They are collecting information in preparation for the day when the two sides sit down and talk...

8. 議論;嚼舌;說(shuō)閑話
If people are talking about another person or are talking, they are discussing that person.

e.g. Everyone is talking about him...
e.g. People will talk, but you have to get on with your life.

9. (通常指不情愿地)供出,招認(rèn),招供
If someone talks when they are being held by police or soldiers, they reveal important or secret information, usually unwillingly.

e.g. They'll talk, they'll implicate me.

10. 講,說(shuō),操(某種語(yǔ)言或口音)
If you talk a particular language or talk with a particular accent, you use that language or have that accent when you speak.


e.g. You don't sound like a foreigner talking English...
e.g. They were amazed that I was talking in an Irish accent.

11. 談?wù)?,討?政治、體育等)
If you talk something such as politics or sport, you discuss it.


e.g. The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business.

12. 說(shuō),講(…的話)
You can use talk to say what you think of the ideas that someone is expressing. For example, if you say that someone is talking sense, you mean that you think the opinions they are expressing are sensible.

e.g. You must admit George, you're talking absolute rubbish.

13. 談?wù)?討論
You can say that you are talking a particular thing to draw attention to your topic or to point out a characteristic of what you are discussing.

e.g. We're not talking a murder here; we're talking poker machines or gambling — things that are misdemeanors in most states...
e.g. We're talking megabucks this time.

14. (想法、威脅)說(shuō)說(shuō)而已,空談
If you say that something such as an idea or threat is just talk, or all talk, you mean that it does not mean or matter much, because people are exaggerating about it or do not really intend to do anything about it.

e.g. Has much of this actually been tried here? Or is it just talk?...
e.g. Conditions should be laid down. Otherwise it's all talk.

15. 這才叫…;真是
You can say talk about before mentioning a particular expression or situation, when you mean that something is a very striking or clear example of that expression or situation.

e.g. Took us quite a while to get here, didn't it? Talk about Fate moving in a mysterious way!...
e.g. She threw the cake I'd made on the floor and stood on it. Talk about being humiliated!

16. 我說(shuō),說(shuō)到,談到(用于引出新話題)
You can use the expression talking of to introduce a new topic that you want to discuss, and to link it to something that has already been mentioned.


e.g. Belvoir Farms produce a delicious elderflower tea. Talking of elderflower, you might wish to try Elderflower Champagne.
e.g. As it says in the Bible, my cup is running over. Talking of which, I must get you a cup of tea.

17. to talk shop -> see shop

相關(guān)詞組:talk aroundtalk backtalk downtalk down totalk intotalk outtalk out oftalk overtalk roundtalk throughtalk up




1. the act of giving a talk to an audience

e.g. I attended an interesting talk on local history

2. an exchange of ideas via conversation

e.g. let's have more work and less talk around here

Synonym: talking

3. discussion
(`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of')

e.g. his poetry contains much talk about love and anger

4. idle gossip or rumor

e.g. there has been talk about you lately

Synonym: talk of the town

5. a speech that is open to the public

e.g. he attended a lecture on telecommunications

Synonym: lecturepublic lecture



1. deliver a lecture or talk

e.g. She will talk at Rutgers next week
Did you ever lecture at Harvard?

Synonym: lecture

2. divulge confidential information or secrets

e.g. Be careful--his secretary talks

Synonym: spill the beanslet the cat out of the bagtattleblabpeachbabblesingbabble outblab out

3. express in speech

e.g. She talks a lot of nonsense
This depressed patient does not verbalize

Synonym: speakuttermouthverbalizeverbalise

4. reveal information

e.g. If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!
The former employee spilled all the details

Synonym: spill

5. exchange thoughts
talk with

e.g. We often talk business
Actions talk louder than words

Synonym: speak

6. use language

e.g. the baby talks already
the prisoner won't speak
they speak a strange dialect

Synonym: speak

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