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roller coaster
美音: [?r?ul? ?k??st?] 英音: [?rol? ?kost?]

roller coaster基本解釋

roller coaster什么意思


roller coaster網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 雲(yún)霄飛車:抬望眼,云霄飛車(rollercoaster)的滑翔鋼筋軌道凌空架起. 不必說它的弧度,也不必說它的落差,單是那高度,就讓人望而生畏. 兒子告訴我公園開業(yè)后,1997年重建了這條云霄飛車軌道. 玩起來非常刺激,很受年輕人歡迎.


2. 娛樂場的環(huán)形滑車道:resort to求助,憑借;訴諸 | rollercoaster娛樂場的環(huán)形滑車道 | rule of thumb單憑經(jīng)驗來做的方法,比較簡單有效的方法

3. roller coaster的反義詞

3. 游樂場過山車:有獎儲蓄premium savings deposit | 游樂場過山車rollercoaster | 有理想、有道德、有文化、有紀(jì)律with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline

roller coaster英英釋義


1. elevated railway in an amusement park (usually with sharp curves and steep inclines)

Synonym: big dipperchute-the-chute

2. anything characterized by abrupt and extreme changes (especially up and down)

e.g. the economy has been on a rollercoaster all year

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